


15 years old


  • Invader

    it invades
    it peers around the corner
    and darts off
    the moment someone looks
    it leaves us all
    it uses
    the fright it gives
    to scare off
    and moments
    that could bring joy
    it pushes away
    music and 
  • Music

    for some odd reason
    i find music
    in the zip zop
    of snow pants
    in the rocking chair
    creaking back
    and forth
    in the wind

    in each step taken
    as your shoes hit
    the hard pavement
  • Rainbow

    the tips of the rainbow
    touch the ground
    the most colorful place
    on earth
    it is where
    our used-to-be 
    grey earth
    is touching
    a rainbow
    the paintbrush
    that paints the blank canvas
    of earth
    it adds color
  • Carnival

    the carnival
    rolled in
    and began playing 
    its music

    but it was
    the faces of
    the people
    were fake

    their smiles
    too wide
    their movements
    to defined

    the music
    blasted across
  • A Poem Of Haikus

    the brightest of lights
    can always, always go out
    but never lose hope

    they will always shine
    brighter than the blinding sun
    when they yearn for it

    so i turn it on
    at every chance i will get
    so that it can shine