


14 years old


  • By EvieC


    Moving can be hard..
    For anyone really...
    It can be hard to know you have to leave all your friends, maybe teachers, maybe your school, your house, and maybe just the air you breath.
    But only just the thought of moving hurts...
  • By EvieC

    Day And Night

    While the day shines brightly 
    And the night is calm
    They both have unique point of views that might surprise everyone.

    While in the early morning the sky awakens and shines over the trees and people of our world.
  • By EvieC

    School Shivers

    "Middle School"
    The words make me shiver.
    Not just Middle School but any year of School.
    Thinking of all the things that might happen.
    The Change.
    The Stress.
    The Anxiety.
    The Worries.