


16 years old


  • the channels

    It takes two hours to hike to the top,
    provided you don't stop along the way.
    For the first hour and a half,
    all you see is brown.
    I hate the color brown, unless it's a
    soft shade of mahogany. The last half hour
  • divergent

    I don't watch the news anymore.
    I can't, because
    every single time I turn the TV on, 
    there's either a story about a 
    drug abuse,
    fraud, or
    I don't feel safe anymore.
  • my grandmother's farm

    my grandmother owns a farm out in
    southern virginia, which is
    redneck land and
    Trump/Pence 2020 land. 
    i feel insecure when i'm down there;
    nearly everyone who lives in the area
    wants things to stay the same.
  • spring break, day 5.

    It’s the kind of day that makes me wish
    I lived in Miami: grey,
    depressing to say the least. I start into
    the fog, wondering questions that I
    probably shouldn’t be wondering.  How did
    I become so fucked up? What if
  • 370

    it was friday the 13th.

    everything was normal.

    we got sent home.

    didn't come back.

    i can only breathe in smoke and toxic fumes

    because that is what i'm used to.

    i can't say a word. 
  • hidden bathroom escapades

    we are having a debate in 
    english class about if
    love is worth it and i
    need to get out of here because
    i can see your face again. i 
    breathe hard, fast,
    nearly running from the classroom as