


16 years old


  • America, Part 2

    Hello, America. 
    It's been a while.
    I guess things have cooled down
    a little? You seem to be
    doing better; have your
    wounds healed?
    Forget I said that.
    Your wounds aren't
    healing; new ones pop up
  • trees and humanity

    after my hockey game
    which we lost by 7 goals
    i went home,
    stared out my window. 
    i have a collection of trees
    that live outside my front door
    and i stared at them, 
    silently demanding answers to 
  • alone

    I am fourteen years old
    And my life has changed
    For better or for worse.
    Though, in all honesty,
    Aren’t all changes good changes?
    I want to think so,
    But I can’t anymore.
    I don’t have a family.
  • i want to ask

    if you remember me
    but i'm scared of the answer. 
    i want to ask
    what you think of me
    but i'm scared of that answer too. 
    i want to ask
    if you ever loved me
    but i'm scared of that answer as well.