


16 years old


  • mirrors

    Why create a new reality 
    When you have one in front of you
    Why look through the window
    Into her life
    When in your own mirror
    Is everything you love?
    You long to be her
    But you can't see
  • untitled again (sorry)

    is it worth it
    is the pain you hold close to your heart
    worth the happiness you get from me
    and yet
    i'm the one causing the pain.
    is it worth it
    checking my playlist captions again and again
  • Slivers

    When he was six years old
    his family moved from the crowded city
    to the stillness of the countryside, a
    kid once raised by tall smokestacks,
    a constant stream of chatter in the back of his head, and
  • blue

    i want you to know
    i hate being your ex
    i hate how i constantly remember how i left
    i hate how i could never say anything against you
    i hate how scared i was to do one simple thing
    i hate how i acted
    but i love you
  • bruises

    they've always said
    "you're 13
    you don't know love
    you're too young to experience love"
    they've been married 37 years
    they fight every day
    their child comes to school with long sleeves during summer
  • bipolar

    i'll be floating on a cloud
    swimming with sparkling seals
    singing with golden angles from hell as my backing vocals
    initiating a temorary christmas truce with my anxiety
    and someone'll say something-
    idk what