


16 years old


  • blue

    i want you to know
    i hate being your ex
    i hate how i constantly remember how i left
    i hate how i could never say anything against you
    i hate how scared i was to do one simple thing
    i hate how i acted
    but i love you
  • bruises

    they've always said
    "you're 13
    you don't know love
    you're too young to experience love"
    they've been married 37 years
    they fight every day
    their child comes to school with long sleeves during summer
  • bipolar

    i'll be floating on a cloud
    swimming with sparkling seals
    singing with golden angles from hell as my backing vocals
    initiating a temorary christmas truce with my anxiety
    and someone'll say something-
    idk what
  • 5 feet apart

    multiply that by 100
    thats how far apart we really are
    5 feet apart
    multiply that by a million
    thats how far apart we feel-

    thats how far apart 
    i feel from you

    fuck it. 
  • i want it all

    give me the sun-
    i dont care if i get burned.
    give me the wind-
    i dont care if my hair gets tossed around.
    give me the clear skies-
    i dont care if they're clouded.
    give me the oceans-
    i dont care if the salt stings my lips.