it was easier
when we were kids
dealing with scabbed knees
instead of scarred wrists
eating paste instead of
inhaling it
writing with pens instead of
pretending to be normal and -
you know how to hurt me
take my own knife
stab me in the heart
leave me bleeding on the concrete sidewalk
and say it's love
in case you've forgotten
you're no longer in love with me
because i am not a good fit for you. -
Why create a new reality
When you have one in front of you
Why look through the window
Into her life
When in your own mirror
Is everything you love?
You long to be her
But you can't see -
untitled again (sorry)
is it worth it
is the pain you hold close to your heart
worth the happiness you get from me
and yet
i'm the one causing the pain.
is it worth it
checking my playlist captions again and again