


19 years old


  • Mind

    I can build an empire,
    and no not concouring land,
    I can craft in my mind,
    leave the physical behind,
    and build it entirely by hand.

    I can climb Mt Everest,
    and no not like Edman Hillary,
    beyond the incline,
  • Ocean Ends

    Wonder the world once more, 
    breath lily pinks and sky blues,
    blend in rough oaks of earth,
    climb through the caverns darkness,
    Just to wonder a last time.

    See the beauty in rock mountains,
    the sparkle in spring lakes,
  • Skinny Dreams

    It's the stone cold feeling of ecstasy,
    the speckled lights and thin hair,
    Skinny arms skinny dreams,
    When my skin turns snow fair.

  • Dolls

    Breaking displaced designation,
    a spot only they chose us to be,
    all scared alone,
    No perfect home,
    all kinds of things crazy.

    ruptured hopes of the past,
    blasted onto child's skin,
    The world is round,

  • Life

    Life is disappointing,
    the very word itself,
    it's learned to be all good and gold,
    From a story on the shelf.

  • Anxiety

    A fear,
    more when I don't know why,
    the jitters become so fast that I appear still,
    sound so loud it all goes quiet.
    Breath so shallow I might not be breathing.
    I may have slipped so fast,
    so slow,