


18 years old


  • colorful chaos.

    the thick 
    viscous feel of the paint 
    heavy with dreams and color
    as i spread it across my life
    and my home
    the hope it symbolizes for me 
    and the love of life it upholds
  • words that reach out

    twisting stories around our tongues
    the occasional improv in place of what we would normally elaborate upon
    we have a younger audience then just each other
    turning emotions into words
  • opposing forces

    the heavy air
    so full
    that it breaks
    and down
    pours the rian 
    soaking into my skin 
    the wind lashing my body
    the sky's great maw opening up with a growl
    my world shudders
  • still me.

    so long
    did i spend in the darkness
    that it seeped into me
    spreading through my blood
    and saturating my bones
    with the pessimistic
    angry feelings
    that come from the fear
    of who i am 
    and how i feel