


18 years old


  • love is like laundry

    is like laundry
    stuck in a spin cycle 
    of heartbreak
    and fear
    and self-hate
    it's an old shirt
    that you can't seem to part with 
    even though it's falling apart at the seams
  • bleach in the washer.

    I was doing the laundry 
    how I could possibly tell you 
    when I dumped the bleach 
    in the load of dark clothing 
    i turned on the washer -
    walked in 
    on the first day
    and your smile
  • When I think of rainbows

    When I think of rainbows
    I think of gay pride
    and happy smiles
    I think of those special times
    I wake up early enough to see the sun rise
    and mix with the fog 
    to create color in an arch to pass under 
  • gray zone

    waves of feeling 
    crashing on a notebook page shore
    the ink bleeding through the paper 
    but of what i'm writing
    even i am unsure 
    graphite pushed too hard 
    and now paper is torn 
  • my thoughts on normality.

    "Normal is a fallacy
    something we pretend to be
    but no one really can truly
    achieve complete normality"    - credit to Crecent_Moon 

    because there simply
    is no such thing
    and yet we humans persist