


18 years old


  • best friend

    like a four leafed clover
    something i stopped searching for 
    around the age of seven
    you simply smiled
    and acknowledged my existence
    but it made me feel a thousand times better
    thank you
  • jar of seaglass

    like the grass and the sky 
    wide open doors
    and freedom of the best kind
    you and i 
    running beyond the judgement 
    of eyes hateful 
    for no good reason 
    sea glass refracting 
  • lone till not.

    like the heart 
    beating against the inside of it's fleshy prison 
    bars made of bone
    rusted from the nothingness
    peering through glass
    but past
    is the day full of light
  • hate and gun

    Light fades
    From fear clouded eyes
    As news disconcerting 
    Reaches saddened ears
    And broken lay
    The fallen tears
    Open the barren ground. 

    Dead and gone 
    Are father and son
  • Don't know

    I don't know.
    I don't know what to say 
    I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this 
    I don't know
    And it's the most miserable thing
    I can't even talk to my own mum 
    About what's wrong
  • Twisted Stars

    stars twisted 
    in verse
    around my fingers 
    as I dance
    among the flames of emotion 
    tears falling 
    into a puddle 
    a vast 
    and stormy ocean 
    i dive into the waves