the wolf and the moon.
the wolf looks up
and howls longongly at the moon
it needs it's partner
but forever seperated the two shall be
for that is how the world has made things.
the howl rises and lowers
it's smooth, wordless song -
not broken.
such a nasty word for what you are
you are not broken.
I tell the reflection in the empty water cup
you are whole.
and they just don't see that
because if you were broken -
what makes a write
weaving phrases
from emotion
melding love with hate
and a random object
time eclipsing all biased reason
and people crying tears like rain
four different themes
or was it five? -
glass jar woes.
it's cold
and lonely
in this glass jar
contained by expectations
I just want to break these walls that restrain me
and run into your arms
have you hold me forever
but I can't
not yet -
random thought/realization
everything is made of matter
in different compositions
everything is a song
with different lyrics
and when all the songs come together
it creates the harmony of life. -
colors faded
from the salty sea of my love
for you and only you
will that glass be clear again
green and blue
as the grass and sky
that frame our world
sharp edges smoothed
from the time spent together