


18 years old


  • The Freedom Seeker

     I pause on my way out the door
    good bye
    i whisper to the snoozing embers in the hearth 
    good bye 
    i say to the dust creatures in the corners 
    goodbye i think
    to the sleeping person in the room over
  • Magic

    the words on the edges of my lips 
    are only for the paper to know
    as it becomes increasingly covered in graphite misspells 
    and the small ink scribbles made to check if one's pen is operational 
  • To know Helen

    The fingers that trace my nose
    and feel their way across my face
    have seen so much
    without seeing,
    heard so many voices
    without ever knowing the sweetness of sound.
    The nothing intrigues me
    as I sit here,
  • sunrays fading

    it seems the closer you fall to the ground
    the faster the earth pulls you in
    with it's arms of salty ocean water
    sea spray dances on the wind
    breathe in
    the sand is holding on to you 
    breathe out
    the sun is letting go
  • Blue Glass Rose.

    our friendship is a blue glass rose
    its petals are falling on the floor
    and as much as i've tried to keep it together
    im clumsy with my words
    and the cracks are running deeper
    our friendship is a blue glass rose