


18 years old


  • Game On

    I am judged because I am not a guy
    that I stand out more if I make a mistake 
    no matter what
    even if I 'get good'
    I am still of the opposite sex
    and don't fit in the same standards
  • I Want.

    To be heard
    Someone to hear me
    but no.
    That's not how this works
    you listen till you can't no more
    and when your voice is squeaking out
    they turn away.
    leaving the person with so much to say
  • Fathers

    Do you accept your children 
    What if they are gay. Are they okay?
    A different Gender, Religon, Social status?
    would you still love them?
    If not Why.

    Even if they aren't would you?
  • The Horror-able Hoodie

    A piece of Fabric
    To cover shoulders and keep you warm.
    The things you don't know hidden underneath are what,
    You should hide from the most.
    Swollowing you in darkness 
    till you can't breath from the fear.
  • Open Your Eyes

    Open Your Eyes!
    If You say there is no issue with what Humanity has done
    Open. Your. Eyes.
    there is a problem 
    and just cause YOU
    don't see it or think it's not.
    People are dying!
  • The Little Poet

    Sometimes she feel trapped
    Like her words don't matter 
     The Little Poet with to much in her head.
    Who's heart has shattered to many times to count
    She doesn't write based of what people will like or comment on