


YWP Alumni


  • Cry For Me

    If I were to somehow leave this place,
    Would you cry for me?
    Upon my mangled body and shattered heart, 
    Would you cry for me?

    Would you take this burden into your own hands,
    And find a way to make it beautiful?
  • Autumn Breeze

    The wind blows towards me with a silent cry
    The leaves speaking my name as they sway
    The fresh autumn breeze finds its way
    Out from the sky and into my ears

    The smell of the lake, rocks, and sand
    Carried by the cold autumn day
  • Three Golden Sacks

    Three golden sacks hung from a tree
    Upon a summer’s day
    The air blew t’wards them from the sea
    Causing them to sway

    Then the day had come at last
    For them finally be free
    They came to the world like those from their past
  • The Stranger

    I find myself looking at the sky at night
    The firepit ablaze
    I lay awake for hours despite
    The coming of working days

    The fire is low and darkness silent
    My feet are sore from stones
    The pain on my hands is sharp and violent
  • The Witch's Song

    Can you hear the voices calling
    They are all around you
    The fairies fly and the leaves are falling 
    But you’re falling too

    A comet glides through the stars above us 
    Oh so comely in the sky