


YWP Alumni


  • Empty

    In the empty space between words
    I find my peace
    I step
    Through the empty space between the stars, for they are no longer portences but balls of gas and fire
    I breathe
    I open my eyes onto the world of the night
    I gasp 
  • Ampersand

    &  the
    & the words 
    & the words flew 
    & the words flew &
    it was like lightening
    those jerks were frighening
    and the vines gr*w higher and became illegigble
  • Ode to Mothman

    Mothman, my mothman, how sweet are your wings
    You fortell danger and terrible things
    But I think you're special, I really do
    Though I'm not from West Virgnia where you first flew
    Yes, I think you're special and I'll tell you why
  • I am the weaver

    I am the weaver.
    I weave light from darkness and darkness from light.
    I weave stars in the blueness and daytime from night.
    I weave turtles into their shells.
    I weave heaven and hell
    And so it will always be.