


15 years old


  • A Boy And His Fists

    A boy is quick with anger

    With charm, he uses force

    On anything that breathes

    Anything that has a pulse

    But this boy is amazing

    He's kind and uses words

    His poetic touch, how he thinks too much,

  • Fall Romantics

    Little red leaves organize scattered on the ground in geometric patterns we fail to recognize

    Except me, of course.

    I love fall more that I love myself

    "Don't murder the flow, the stream, the book, or the poet."

  • A Boy And His Fists

    A boy is quick with anger

    With charm, he uses force

    On anything that breathes

    Anything that has a pulse

    But this boy is amazing

    He's kind and uses words

    His poetic touch, how he thinks too much,

  • My Mind and Rivers Flowing

    My steps across this long, rugged road are uniform and absolute

    My face, a complex blend of remorse and discomfort, does her best to morph and mold into something approachable

    But this walk, this hike, this trek

  • I Despise Annotation

    I despise annotating in my books and in my notes

    It takes away from the beauty of the page

    It's confusing and maiming and hurts the book

    And it hurts me deeply

    Too many shapes and writings to follow