


16 years old


  • When I'm in the woods

    When I'm in the woods,
    I feel free,
    like all the weight that's been on my shoulders
    has been lifted off of me.
    I can build a fort with my friends,
    or maybe
    just go exploring.
    I know my place in the woods,
    not at the top,
  • Silent Secrets

    Though her heart beat faster and faster,
    he said nothing.
    She gripped the words she wanted to speak,
    and held them back.
    She knew what she was doing,
    wouldn't help her in the long run.
    But she still stood silent on the platform,
  • Everyday Angel

    An angel with golden wings,
    I once knew her,
    she told me of a world where marvelous things,
    were quite common,
    and elves danced underfoot.
    Then I woke up.
    But the angel was real!
    She didn't have golden wings,
  • How to write a Ratio

    To write a ratio,
    you must know how,
    How many buckets of milk from each cow?
    Farmer Howe must sell one breed,
    Brown or Horned,
    which will it be?
    If she gets 3 buckets
    from each Brown,
    for Horned, 
  • The Old King

    There was an Old King who sat on a throne,
    in a castle made of crumbling stone.
    And the village around it was dying and dead,
    with not enough food to make a single loaf of bread.
    His reign was long forgotten,

  • The Truth Of Trees

    The big, beautiful birch tree outside my window,
    Standing strong against the gentle breeze.
    The shouts, and moans of the tree next to me,
    All dressed up in lights,
    being stripped of its bark by careless children,