Wag it off

Wag it off


14 years old


  • Barn

    Red as a freshly picked apple
    I stand bold surrounded by trees
    My paint slowly chipping

    I’ve been around for years
    I’m used for everything
    From making maple syrup to making wool

    I have done you good
  • Creepy house poem

    The bats wings flicked

    The trees branches creaked 

    The thunder boomed

    The trees looked like they where there since the beginning of time

    The house looked horrible 

    The grass was dark brown
  • Pretty Night

    The stars sparkled in the sky

    The moon was as red as a blooming rose

    The sky looked like a pretty panting

    With mountains at the bottom 

    The silhouette of a cat 

    And a beautiful porch

  • A field poem

    The dark clouds bobbed in the sky 

    The wind blew through my hair

    And the tall plants waved in the wind

    With every step the tall grass got thicker

    With every minute the sky got darker