


19 years old


  • By ZoeBee

    Oatmeal Raisin Love Song

    Loving you is like trying to float on eggshell rafts
    When the adrenaline rush is over and I have to sweep up the vase
    Loving you is very easy when I don't love myself but when I do
    It's drinking water from a cactus
  • By ZoeBee

    Anticlea and Odysseus

    Calliope: Odysseus had followed Circe's instructions, knowing she was sworn not to hurt him. He sailed to the land of the dead, sacrificed a goat and heard of his life's prophecy. I tell all this to the bard, who is enjoying the gore of the story.
  • By ZoeBee

    Old Theatre

    The back row of the old theater
    Where the velvet chairs are mostly dust and the woodens arms are weary-wrought
    Under carvings of trees that have lost all definition, carvings of eyes that I'll never see
  • Lifeboat

    I did not love him as the food blogger loves the green smoothie

    As the copier loves the empty blue cartridge 

    As the mannequin's arms love the shimmy and twist
  • Broken women

    We love to write of broken women
    We love to make our women broken
    Is there anything more beautiful 
    Than the gilded, tattered remains of her life

    All of our women must be pliable
    She will not move if she is calloused
  • Ink

    The truth of a good poem lies in its ink
    When they cleave me in half with a willow-bough axe
    My innards shalt not lie bloody but black and ready to be wrote
    To write of Helen I burn
    Olive branch and sapphire and gold silk into ash