PAST CONTESTS: VT Youth Poet Laureate Illustration Contest


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PAST CONTESTS: VT Youth Poet Laureate Illustration Contest

Vermont Artists: Illustrate a poem by Vermont Youth Poet Laureate Harmony Belle Devoe to be created as a broadside print. The selected artist will receive $200, a commemorative copy of the broadside, and the opportunity to learn about the printing process at the Ruth Stone House in Goshen, VT, this fall.

Contest Details:
  • To enter the contest through Young Writers Project, first sign up for a free account on our website.
  • A poetry broadside is a letterpress print of words and visual imagery on one side of a large piece of paper (11x17 or 12x18 broadsheet).
  • Final image must be a single color or black and white
  • Media that translate well to letterpress broadside: line drawings in pencil, pen, or marker (lines, cross-hatching, and dotted stippling work especially well), black and white vector graphics, black and white photography, and black and white collage
  • Submit the art as either a vector graphic or a high-resolution photograph of a black and white or single color design (at least 300 DPI and 1200 pixels). Contest organizers will work with the winning student to ensure the art meets printing standards.
  • You do not need to include the poem with your image. That will be done later in the printing process.
  • Deadline: Friday, Aug. 30
  • Questions about the contest? Contact organizer Drew Frazier at Sundog Poetry:

Vermont Youth Poet Laureate's poem for the illustration contest:

By Harmony Belle Devoe

When the world ends
And falls
To pieces
We do
The scraps
Like we’ve
Each other
Like a
Its mother
Like a human
Needs a home
A woman
Needs her
Mother earth
Some say
We are
But we
Our roots
Our mycelium
As we realize
We do not need to be him
Just her
We develop
Into womanhood
Like a tree
becoming firewood
We convene
When society
When we are no longer machines
And find
A new route

The world ends
Will continue
Their humanity
A human
Is within you
We all are born human
But we must earn
The “e” at the end
Of “humane”

NOTE: This poem is for your information, not to be included with your image for the contest.

Example of a broadside from the Ruth Stone House:

Ruth Stone poem on Broadside
"Snow" by Ruth Stone, illustrated by Bianca Stone, Vermont's new Poet Laureate (see the story).