Weekly Challenges

Need inspiration? YWP has a wide range of writing and visual art challenges for you every week during the school year – and right through the summer! You can respond to any of the challenges any time, but to be considered for publication with our Vermont media partners, you'll want to meet the Friday deadlines posted on each challenge. All writing and visual art posted on the site – both responses to these challenges and general "Create" posts – will also be considered for publication in our monthly magazine, The Voice, and our annual anthology. Find out more in Publications


  • Writing



    Write a poem using a forest as a metaphor for either confusion or indecision.

  • Writing



    What is one thing you think everyone should do at least once in their life? Write from your own experience or research. 

  • Visual Art



    Find a piece of writing you like on YWP. Create a piece of art — a drawing, a photo, a painting — based on that piece. Include a link to the piece that inspired you.

  • Writing


    It's you

    Write a fictional piece that includes the words, "It's you." Think intrigue, suspense, mystery.

  • Writing



    Creative people need time to think, time to slow down and do nothing at all. Give yourself permission to be lazy – if even for just one day this summer. If you're inspired, write about it. If not, enjoy the freedom of doing nothing.

  • Visual Art



    Let's celebrate the color yellow. In photos or paintings, focus on this sunshiny, summertime color.

  • Visual Art



    Dusk in summer can be beautiful. Take photos or create a painting inspired by that time of day when light turns to darkness.

  • Writing



    Write a poem with two stanzas about your favorite childhood character. The first stanza should be about what you thought of the character as a child, and the second what you think of them now. 

  • Writing


    I'm From

    What makes up your identity and your life? Tell us who you are. Start almost every line with "I'm from."

  • Writing



    Write a single line of poetry, then construct an entirely new poem around that line using slight variations: words added, words removed, words rearranged.

  • Writing



    You are weaving a beautiful fabric to make into a garment for yourself. Your loom can weave with any substance you wish: the sneeze of an ant, the roar of a river, the fog of London. What would you include in your fabric, and why?

  • Visual Art



    Create a photo that gives a sense of wide, open space, such as the view from a mountaintop, or looking out across a lake, ocean, or farmer's field.