Flying with Hayao Miyazaki

This one-pager focuses the theme of flight throughout Miyazaki's films. It is based off the New York Times article, "How Hayao Miyazaki's Films Continue to Take Us to the Skies" and includes comments about my personal interactions with his work. 



18 years old

More by slavike

  • Could it be true?

    I look out the window from my desk
    The rain finally stopped
    The wind has calmed down too
    As the sun tucks behind the mountains in the distance
    A quiet hush spreads
    Like the world is on pause
  • Be Happy

    Believe in the magic of trust
    Emphasize the importance of laughter

    Help others out of kindness
    Abandon grudges and negative thinking
    Persevere through challenges
    Promise time for yourself
    You will be grateful