Presidential map

My latest project: A Presidential Map which is basically a way of tracking the election. So the way it works is every state has a date in it which is the day of their caucuses or primaries. The pictures are all of the people running for president in an attempt at alphabetical order with Marianne Wiliamson at the top because she's my favorite.)
As the year goes on, I will cross out people who leave the race and write down the date which they dropped out. Every time a state holds its caucuses/primaries, I will write in the state whoever got the most votes for the Republicans and same for the Democrats. (I'm also gonna write down how many Marianne Williamson got if she doesn't get the top score just cause I like her. ;)) Anyway ta da! I'll keep you all updated  through tiny writes about the election and stuff so look for that!



19 years old

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