All those opinion pieces

I don't know how it all started,
but when my 1st-grade teacher said,
Write something to your parents, trying to persuade them to do something,
handed me a paper,
I knew right then, 
what I was going to write.
A few days later,
My first opinion piece was done,
and when my parents read it,
They said no.

When my 2nd-grade teacher said
we were going to do opinion pieces,
and I knew exactly what I was going to write,
I made it more persuasive.
But still, my parents said no.

Then came 3rd grade,
we did another persuasive essay,
I did the same topic,
but they said no.

4th grade, 
another opinion piece,
I haven't given up hope,
I write it again,
and they say no.

5th grade, the year right now,
no more choice opinion pieces,
but there is a pandemic,
we've got lots of time,
so one day,
my mom says we can get what I've been begging for,
a dog.

That was the true story of how I got my dog, Topher! I'll post some pictures of him soon!




16 years old

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