I want a house on a hill
With a view of the woods
Away from it all
Away from you
I want a house on a hill
With a view of the woods
Away from it all
Away from you
i just stare out the car window
let the breeze tangle my short brown hair
inhale that ocean wind
it means i'm seeing my friend again
who knows me like no one else
rolls her eyes at my boy troubles
I’m afraid that I’ll lose my friends,
And I don’t mean that in a literal way,
More like my voice fades into the background,
My best friend no longer calls me bestie.
I’m afraid I’m not interesting anymore,
Ha! More "short and stubborn" than "short and sweet." There have been many times in my life I've felt this way, wanting to run to the trees, away from a source of pain. Love this!
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