These are my bones-

Perfectly structured, pristine white.

Here, take my skull, that forever grinning phantom reminder,

And keep it in the gold chest that sits by your fireplace.

Embed jewels in my spinal cord (for it is so plain alone)

And hang it on your wall,

So that all who pass by marvel at

The spectacle of human support on display.

Take my arms and my legs, and fold them up

So that restlessness, the thing

Hated and undesired in all humans like me

Vanishes with the twilight moon.

Here- my ribcage, keep it well

To ward off that danger, that bloodied beating thing.

My fingers, toes, illium, all

Box them up so that

My bones never haunt you

Yet you will live with me

For the rest of your life.



14 years old

More by mooncakes

  • Ice cream

    Sickly sweet,

    Your words touch my prefrontal cortex

    Like soft burning snow.

    Your touch tastes sweeter

    Than ice cream

    On a humid sun-streaked day.


    Frost-borne by the north wind,

  • H E A R T


    Punctured the main artery, sunsets flowing down your ribcage, dull frantic thud-

    I’ve done it again,

    Left an empty hole in the middle of your chest

    Maybe there was something there before