~The Becoming~ Chapter 6: The Package

Hey everyone! So sorry I haven't written in so long. I got my 8th concussion so I couldn't go on screens, read or do anything. SO BORING!!!
But here is the beloved chapter 6! It is kinda short, I'm sorry about that but I can't be on screens for very long peroids of time soooo yeah. 
Also I did an episode of Line Break with Iris and you should toatlly check it out! (Also IDK why I sound like I'm 10...I swear I'm not 10 haha)
Enjoy reading and I really hope you like this chapter as much as I do!

As I sat down at the table with a box of Chex, my usual breakfast, Uncle Tony came into the kitchen carrying a giant stack of papers. They looked like they weighed 800 pounds, and he dropped them onto the table with a loud thud that shook the table. 
I glanced at the papers. They were flyers. My parents' faces smiled back at me. A caption read: “Mikayla and Steven Smith are missing. Please call this number with any information or sightings.”
“Good morning kiddo,” Uncle Tony said. I noted the dark circles under his eyes and his pale skin as he sat down at the table. 
“Wanna help me put these up today?” He asked me, stealing the cereal box from me and taking a handful and popping them into his mouth. 
“Of course,” I said. “When?”
“How about after we finish breakfast?” he exclaimed. “Also I talked to some of my co-workers and we are organizing a search party for tonight, lots of people have already signed up to help us look for them.” 
“That’s great!” I said because it was. The more people out looking for my parents the better. I hoped that we were getting closer to finding them. But honestly I wasn’t sure. They had been gone for days now and the police hadn’t found any leads. But I still hoped. 
After we finished breakfast I headed upstairs to my room. But I stopped dead in my tracks right in the doorway. I had some sort of, I’m not sure what to call it. Kind of like deja-vu. I noted my walls, which have always been baby blue, and the one window. 
That’s when it hit me. My dream. I had been in my own room. I knew that it was just a dream. But unlike most dreams, I remembered everything that happened in it. The way my parents were arguing, and talking about a chip.  The more I thought about it the more real the dream felt. But I knew it couldn’t have been real. Right?
I got dressed, my mind replaying my dream over and over again my mom’s words ringing in my ear. When I came downstairs Uncle Tony was putting his shoes on. 
“You ready?” He asked as he grabbed all the papers. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said, putting on my hightops. When I opened the door a cool blast of wind hit my face, blowing my hair into my eyes. As I stepped onto the porch I almost tripped on a rock. 
No. It wasn’t a rock. It was a package with my name scrawled on the top. 
“What’s that?” Uncle Tony asked me, pointing to the package. 
“I have no idea,” I said as I picked it up, I noted it didn't weigh very much. “I didn’t order anything…” As I held it in my hand, I noticed there was something off about the hand-writing. I tried to put a finger on it. That’s when I realized it was my mother’s unmistakable handwriting. 
"Holy crap!" I said almost dropping the package. 
"What?!" Uncle Tony asked me, his eyes wide. 
"Look! It's totally mom's hand-writing!" I said holding it up for him to see. He looked at it for a few seconds, and his mouth dropped open. 
"You're right." He said, his voice confused. "Well open it!" 
"Oh right of course," I slowly tore away the tape, not wanting to rip anything. If it came from my mom, who was missing, it had to be important. But why would she send me a package and not give it to me in-person? 
Inside the package was a piece of paper and my mom's cell phone, which was broken. I picked up the paper. It said simply, We see you. And we know. -HL
I knew my parents had not written the note, it wasn't in their handwriting. But who had written it? Who was HL? And what did this mean? Why was my mom's cell phone in here? And why was it broken?
"Don't touch anything else," Uncle Tony said, full on investigator mode. “This is evidence, I should get it to the office right away, try to get finger-prints.” 
“Okay,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. 
“I guess we’ll have to put these up later,” Uncle Tony said, dropping the flyers onto the porch swing. He bent down to pick up the box. 
“Actually I want to go put them up,” I need some time alone to process what the heck just happened, is what I didn't add. He nodded and walked over to his car, and unlocked it with a beep. I watched as his car pulls out of the driveway and down our road until it’s out of sight. 
I grabbed half of the pile and tape and started walking. My mind was a chorus of questions, each one louder than the last all of them demanding an answer. But I have no answers.
A year ago I would never have believed that my parents would be missing, my boyfriend is...I don’t even know. I would laugh if someone told me that this was my situation. 
 I start putting flyers up everywhere. As I was halfway through the lot of them my phone pinged. It was Oliver, and he was asking how I was. I didn’t have the energy to respond. The image of his eyes haunted me. I wanted to believe that it was a dream. I wanted to. 
I felt angry and sad and every emotion. My insides were swirling. I heard thunder rumble, and a flash of lightning. Rain pelted down on me. I ran toward the woods for shelter. 
 That was weird. It had been blue skies and sunshine when I’d left. I sank down on a tree trunk and listened to the rain for minutes or hours I didn’t know.
But what I did know was when the rain stopped to a drizzle I started to get up but two hooded figures jumped out from behind me. 
They grabbed my arms and held me to the ground. I struggled against them, punching and kicking. But they held something up to my nose. I suddenly felt tired and my movements turned sluggish. 
The last thing I heard before the world faded into darkness was a man's voice saying “We have her.”
Thanks for reading! If you liked this chapter leave a comment  or a like/love! 




17 years old

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