The boat

The rowboat rocks gently on the waves 

Bouncing up in down in rhythm with the ocean 

A bird sits on the top of the hull 

Squawking at the water and the fish below 

Hoping to catch itself dinner before the sunsets 

As might slowly approaches the waves start to speed up 

And soon enough it’s pitch black out 

The only light for miles is the glowing of the moon and stars 

As the waves start to slam into the boat 

The bird clings to the boat squawking in distress 

Disturbing the fish below and causing them to scatter 

The boat starts to shake violently and the bird squawks louder 

Hanging on and trying its hardest to not get wet 

But it’s not use 

The water hits the side of the boat and goes soaring into the now soaked inside 

The bird gives in and takes flight



YWP Alumni

More by Ethanlacross

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    As the weather changes from summer into fall.

    I sit in a field surrounded by flowers. 

    Feeling the warm summer breeze on my face.

    As the kind wind blows gently across the grass.
  • Wildflower

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    I sit in a field surrounded by flowers. 

    Feeling the warm summer breeze on my face.

    As the kind wind blows gently across the grass.