
Images light up my vision.
I'm simply there.
Nothing altered by my presence
Just the words forming sentences
and sentences into reality.
in a world that isn't my own.
Pain of my own realm gone.
This beautiful world takes me.
A warm embrace;
No friends there, but here trust and comradeship are rich and plentiful.
No need for time travel.
I am a thousand miles away
without leaving my room.
Love better than candy;
Life better than ours.
Nothing matters;
Everything's here
Gold couldn't replace these words' strong reality.
Pictures painted
across my thoughts
for me alone.
And then it disappears; 
my world bleeding back into view.
The taste of words still sweet on my tongue.
Worlds that teach me more than anyone ever could.
The reminders words form in the back of my mind
reminder, torturous, reminder.
"Just words on paper"
The world can break my heart in two,
a book shatters it. 




16 years old

More by EvaC

  • Silent Song

    The sweet memories of graphite
    slicing the pages'
    brown paper.
    Joints moving slowly across, 
    forming images.
    A silent music;
    pure of talent.
    My young self took treasure for granted.
    Knowing it wouldn't last; 
  • Lost opportunities

    I tried to fit the pieces
    together, but my introverted self
    ended up pushing them
    farther apart. I wanted to
    spark something, 
    light something on fire,
    watch it burn deep inside as 
    the smoke and ashes prick