Boxed in

(Written in response to the challenge "Activist" in the workshop, Poetry with Alexandra Contreras-Montesano)

I am underestimated.

People look at me and see an average white American teenager.
13 years old
With medium length brown hair
With a quick smile and and a quicker tongue.

But people never stick around enough to find out more.
Even my closest friends have yet to scratch the surface of my dreams.

I've heard all my life that I'd better marry a wealthy husband who loves me and I'll have a good life.

But maybe I don't want wealth.
Maybe I'm not looking for a Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet
I'm not some damsel in distress.
I can take care of myself thank you very much.

I want to go to college and meet new people
And have new experiances
And learn new things

I want to be a news anchor for CNN
And give people the real news
All the facts so they are educated

And later a senator 
So I can help change unfair laws, 
So that people will benefit 
And feel heard.

Maybe president in the end
Even though it is the hardest job in the USA
I would do my best
I would work for peace and happiness.
I'd shape America into something for us to love 
And cherish.

Don't tell me I can't.
Life is only so long
But change lasts forever.

Why do I even need a husband?
Maybe I'll just marry whoever loves me and not care about how they identify.

I am as strong and powerful as any person ever
And maybe I'm a little bit different 
But isn't everyone?



19 years old

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