
People shy away from
Bruised and battered things
People think it’s hopeless
When they spot a crooked wing

Is this truly horrible?
Does it mean the end?
If I claim this label,
Is it possible to mend?

This is not a synonym
For ruined or beyond repair.
It just states an entry point
We all must start somewhere

I have no qualms or quibbles
With this fact of life
It describes where I am at
It causes me no strife

I. am. broken
But I am not defeated
Don’t confuse the two
I will not be mistreated




YWP Alumni

More by MargaretE.

  • Restless Energy

    I have this restless energy
    That leaves me in total disarray
    I’m not sure what to do with her
    What exactly could I say?

    I’m not sure how I know she’s here
    But it’s a feeling that builds up inside
  • Of the Chronic Sort

    Look, I understand 
    you’re just trying to relate
    Pain makes you uncomfortable
    It’s a very human trait

    I am not in favor
    Of the pain my body makes
    And I will not be offended
    If there’s not a part of you that aches