Building before Breaking

One enters between

our source of heat,

And our earth,

from which we breathe.


Like thunderclouds gathering,

Like waves, building before


Darkness sweeps over us,

We are powerless.



Birds, quiet.

Bugs, still

Cars, stop




Remove the glasses that protected,

Vulnerability at its finest,

Risking your vision,

For a once time experience


Illuminated outline,

Of a moon far away

Fifty seconds till,

This moment blows away.

Flares of red,

A bluish hue,

The sky, apocalyptic,


the world starts anew


A flash of light,

from behind the dark,

Moving away,

a hot white spark


The birds fly away,

The whole earth gives a shudder

Like sunrise midday,

But dusky in color.

And then it’s over,

The world light once more,

Shadows fade out,

And the day starts again.

Posted in response to the challenge Eclipse.



16 years old