I lick my lips, trying to clean my face. Then I remember, I am not a cat. I lift my hand to my eyes to dry the tears the old fashioned way. They are cold. I am holding hands with myself.
Diverging Strings
Blissful children.
Dreaming, of who we wake up to be
Dancing with starlight in our hands
Elemelons to the end
But wishes cannot last for long
School’s great. I *love* waking up early
to sit through hours of stuff I’ll forget.
Lunch? A gourmet mystery I’ll never solve.
Tests? Oh, the thrill of failing with style. -
Mr. Red
There is a man on the corner of 87th and Amsterdam. I do not know him, and he does not know me. He wears a red tee-shirt with red sweatpants. He wears a red coat with red shoes. He wears a red ski mask on his face.
field of thoughts
far away from my friends as they speak,
i never liked feeling alone.
i never liked feeling left out.
but here i am,
whenever i speak,
my words don't even go into one ear of any of my friends,
This fire
If they didn’t last time why
Would they now
If last time the world was on fire
They put it out with water and wrote about it in the news and got themselves quoted
Wish on a Star
They didn't say your name at graduation,
there was silence when there should've been you
when we should've been screaming for you
I Choose Today
Heaven is a state of mind where all of your fantasies are actualized.