
held back
restraints on my arms
i dont have the strenght anymore
to break away
and to run. if the
world ended
i would be left to die,
i think. but that's okay
with me. i sometimes
think ive lost everything this past
year. but i have
gained some things too. so...
but we're still stuck with the
same problems as before, so it isn't
actually a win. but
we will get through this. i
promise every single person
who will ever read this, that 
this time period of
masks and
social distance and 
virtual conversation and
headaches will end. 
everything has to sooner or later.



16 years old

More by IceGalaxy

  • teenager in america

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    fall to the ground, let it all float away

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  • Parenting Lessons

    always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger 

    never have your wallet visible 

    don't listen to music in public 

    everyone's a stranger 

    you're our child; don't scare us.