Chapter Nineteen- That of Poison and Roses




It's a peculiar tradition in Eldoria, one that I'd never learned from any books I was forced to read. While the Eldorian royals put heavy emphasis on a large family breakfast, dinner is largely ignored- with the exception of the night of the treaty.

I had to ask a guard for directions to the kitchens, where we were expected to grab from the buffet-style dinner prepared for us. 

I don't know why I'm here, exactly. It's likely more out of curiosity and a need to escape from my room. My stomach growls when I see the large spread of food that I know I won't be eating. Of course, I'll take a small plate to my room to avoid suspicion, but the chances of me actually eating these Eldorian delicacies is slim to none. 

The spread of food is vast, however. There are various types of meat labeled on silver platters, and massive bowls of decadent salads. A large spread of fruit lay next to it, though some of the produce is unknown to me. There's a board with various breads and cheeses, and finally, several barrels labeled to hold water, milk, and fine wine, respectively.

I take one of the shiny porcelain plates, taking tiny scoops of fruit and salad. 

"Miss Thorne?"

I turn around to face the blonde hair, blue eyes, and ivory skin of the golden boy, Jace Aldridge. He stands at least a foot taller than me, but his face tugs into a gentle smile. "Jace," he offers a hand, and I set down my plate of food to take it. 

"I don't believe we were properly acquainted last time, no?" He leans down to kiss my hand lightly. 

A small laugh comes with my exhale. "Yeah, I'm sorry for your loss."

"And I yours," he nods. "I hear you and my brother are attempting to figure this mystery out together?"

My blood simmers at the mention at the ever-annoying Casimir Aldridge. "Ah yes, if withholding crucial information and taunting me with it is teamwork."

I'm ignoring the fact that he has found us a lead until we can prove that it's a valuable head start.

Jace chuckles. "Yes, that sounds like Cas. Being difficult is in his nature."

"I could tell." 

A soft silence descends between us for a moment, and I pick up my plate to leave.

"Miss Thorne?"

"Aily is fine."

"Okay," he takes a deep breath, "Aily?"

"Yeah?" I say, sensing the hesitation in his voice.

"Just... when you're researching this... don't let Cas get too carried away."

"What?" I ask, remembering the crude way Casimir had described his father earlier.

"Cas... he has a tendency to take things too far. And considering the way he left things with my father-" 

"How did he leave things with your father?" 

"I really shouldn't say, I'm sorry."

"Jace," my voice is firm.

"Him and father had a big fight on the night he died," Jace wrings his hands anxiously. "I'm not positive about what, but... just don't let him get too involved."

I can't decide what to focus on- how easily the king-to-be cracked, or that there was a lot more to Casimir's story that I was missing. 

"I won't, Jace. I promise."

"Good," he says, his features relaxing. "Oh, and if Kai comes down here asking for more wine, his dad forbade him from having any more."

"Typical." Though I appreciate his attempt to lighten the mood. "Though, from what I've heard, me being here won't stop Kai from doing anything."

"You're right about that, Miss Aily." I can't help but cringe at the formality, though I should be used to it by now. 

He nods, turning to leave. "See you around, Jace," I smile. 

"If only I should be so lucky, Princess Aily."

I leave for my room, retracing my steps. While I still stumble my way through Aldridge Palace, it's become concerningly familiar in the last three days. I know I've reached the right hallway when I spot Adrienne looping in and out of his siblings rooms. A smile tugs on my face, but it only makes my heart grow heavy, remembering the time when I was that younger sibling, so desperate to hang out with my big sister.

The door to my room clicks shut behind me, and I take a few bites of fruit before setting the plate aside. Tomorrow I'll need to speak with my mother, despite my growing suspicion for Casimir himself.

I collapse onto the lacy pink bed, leaving my unanswered questions to burden me tomorrow. 



15 years old

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