A Different World

I went outside today, for the first time in a while.

I didn’t expect to see the twisted sight before me.

My eyes dropped open, full of shock and awe.

Purple thorns stretched outwards towards the day,

And rivers ran shot through with blood-like red.

The sky had buckled and seemed to descend towards the ground.


I slowly walked through the new land, my feet upon the ground.

Something compelled me to stop and sit, stay by this tree for a while.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief until my skin turned red.

I gazed across these barren lands and saw no being, other than me.

Time stretched and bent, after a spell I awoke and found that I had slept through all the day.

This new world incapacitates me, I’m in a constant state of awe.


I had to get moving, pushed through the fading awe.

My feet curved before me, I had to force them towards the ground.

I trekked across the hills and gnarled tree-scapes until the last blue light of the day

I didn't know where I was going and this scattered journey took me quite a while.

The night unfolded, burst forth slowly from the ground around me.

Thick streams of colors filled the air with night sky, glorious purple red.


When I crested the next hill, it was a dimmer duller red.

And dimmer still inside me was my sense of awe.

This strange world is now my life, it forced itself all around me.

I couldn't carry on, I sank with dismay towards the ground.

I wished I hadn’t gone outside, instead stayed in for a longer while.

But eventually I suppose I would’ve had to face the day.


Now it’s the end of yet another day,

Another set of hours spent inside this confounding red.

I’ve learned to love it even though my disbelief lasted for a while.

And although I’m experienced, I haven’t fully lost that awe.

All my life it would be hard to stay underground.

I need to venture out, or I’ll stop becoming me.


I have become a reflection of the world around me.

My face and body a pool in which you can see the coming day.

I am one with the landscape, a feature on the ground.

My edges have hardened, faded into rusty red.

And when the wayward soul drifts by they stop in awe.

Maybe they’ll stop and sit beside me for a while.


I have absorbed this ground, this earth around me.

And while it may have been hard that first day,

My eyes still burn red with never dimming awe.



16 years old

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