Down In LA

This poem is dedicated to the garment workers of LA who are paid under the minimum wage. Go to the comments to learn more.


Oh down in LA,

People work all night and day,

People from places,

Seeing new faces,

Oh down in LA


Work and work, that they do,

Dress by dress,

Thread by thread,

Hours upon hours,

Days upon days,

Threads forming a maze,


Courage they seek,

But it’s easy to feel meek,

As working in LA

Really doesn’t pay,

And in the 

Fashion industry

It’s pure misery


You might have thought,

That sweatshops were naught,

But here is the proof,

No need to sleuth 


No need to search for truth,


Scared to face bosses,

Afraid of the losses,


Money is short,

Afraid to retort,

Below the law wage,

Fear bosses will rage,

Working dangerously fast,

Happiness is in the past,


“What can we do,” you ask?

Well, I have a task,

It’s for you,

All  of you, 


Have you ever wanted to make a difference?

Have you ever thought you could help?

You can make a difference,

You can help, 

One step at a time,

So join me,

Speak up and loud,

Don’t let people ignore you,

You are powerful,

You can change the world

One step at a time. 

Oh down in LA.



14 years old

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