The Dragon Ride - Part II

Part 2
    We stepped into the VR room. Inside, there were fans mounted on the walls and ceiling, and long robot arms to lift us up off the ground when the ride began. There were also many little panels in the walls, some screwed in, others looked like they would slide away to reveal gadgets inside that would amplify the realisticness of the ride.There was even a light in the ceiling that was labeled “abort” in case of malfunction/emergency. The weighted platform in the middle of the room was illuminated from below by a blue LED the size of a bus. Or something like that. We stepped onto the platform and closed our eyes. When we opened them again, we were standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out over a forest of mountains.Then, from the mountains, came the dragon. The virtual beast that made the ride famous. The dragon landed in front of us, coiling into a pile of scales. It was a long thing, thinner and more centipede-like than I had imagined.

    “Cool.” Breathed Loize. “So cool.”

    “I am ThrAexELmeltvÖnvEruun-kraa GlormqurstVlãmaq ChrEÀguesvêêuhm SrlefvleUUgrouin. Dragon of the KrktlgrthmalhÛgein clan. And, to raise money for my clan, I am giving people rides. Since you are my 1000th and 1001st customers, your rides are free!” Says the dragon. “Also, you can just call me Thraex-kra-a—Glorm. Ready for a ride?”




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