It's so interesting that a country founded by people from hundreds of different places now looks down upon immigrants.

How the hell is it that one of the only things that count as part of our culture are based on hatred? The jokes, the mocking, the flat-out rude comments that are our country right now.

If you aren't a heterosexual, american, white man, you will be made fun of. 

And why?

Because that is what america is right now.

A melting pot of hate and disrespect.

The other countries in the world all look down upon the US. And why? Because our government is essentially a group of sexist, racist, homophobic, self-obsessed morons with a belief that they are better than everyone else.

I am ashamed to live here. I am ashamed that I am american. 

"Land of the free" Since when? 

Because they certainly didn't mean now. With MAGA and "your body my choice" and the deportations and the hate crimes and the racism and people not feeling safe every single day.

america is a sh*tstorm. 

and so many people are caught in it.

M. Hank


14 years old

More by M. Hank

  • My vow

    I will fight forever

    When it seems like all is lost I will fight harder

    When I trip and fall I will bleed words and be stronger

    When I can no longer write I will speak until they cower

  • Is it magic?

    I have never been quite sure if books were truly just words on paper, the ideas of authors who are just ordinary people or if they are magic incarnate.  

    Because they have never, ever just been words on paper to me. 

  • Closure

    She walked out of her classroom, eyes scanning the walls. 

    The desks, the hallways, the music room, the library. 

    To some, these are just rooms or furniture. 

    To her, they are everything.