A heart
Is but an organ,
Pumping blue blood
Throughout thy veins.
Yet somehow,
It is more
Than just another part
Of our bodies.
For a heart harbors
Emotions, feelings and passion
That run far beneath the surface.
The people to whom they belong,
Remain unaware of their presence.
An eternal war
Between our hearts
And the logic that blinds us
Of what we truly need,
Rages inside everyone.
Snuffing out the voice,
Of our hearts.
Until the only voice we hear,
Is the rational,
Fear causing voice,
Of our minds.
And the truth is,
We have done this to ourselves.
Buried our hearts,
Afraid of what we may find.
Never wanting to consider
Any emotions that could jeopardise what we already have.
Feelings that compel us to take a risk,
Make the jump.
When we constantly remind ourselves
Of the possible fall.
Questioning our every move
And motive
But never looking
At the reward
Behind the risk.
If we did
We would see that taking the risk,
Would be worth it.
If I follow my heart,
What if I make a mistake?
Then correct what went wrong.
What if I can’t?
Then keep moving forward,
New opportunities will present themselves.
What if I become lost?
Then listen closer to what your heart is saying.
Turn the corner if it calls.
What do I do if I fail?
Never give up,
You are stronger than you know.
“Failer is not the opposite of success;
It’s part of success,”
-Arianna Huffington
What if I crash and burn?
Then like a phoenix,
You will rise!
Is but an organ,
Pumping blue blood
Throughout thy veins.
Yet somehow,
It is more
Than just another part
Of our bodies.
For a heart harbors
Emotions, feelings and passion
That run far beneath the surface.
The people to whom they belong,
Remain unaware of their presence.
An eternal war
Between our hearts
And the logic that blinds us
Of what we truly need,
Rages inside everyone.
Snuffing out the voice,
Of our hearts.
Until the only voice we hear,
Is the rational,
Fear causing voice,
Of our minds.
And the truth is,
We have done this to ourselves.
Buried our hearts,
Afraid of what we may find.
Never wanting to consider
Any emotions that could jeopardise what we already have.
Feelings that compel us to take a risk,
Make the jump.
When we constantly remind ourselves
Of the possible fall.
Questioning our every move
And motive
But never looking
At the reward
Behind the risk.
If we did
We would see that taking the risk,
Would be worth it.
If I follow my heart,
What if I make a mistake?
Then correct what went wrong.
What if I can’t?
Then keep moving forward,
New opportunities will present themselves.
What if I become lost?
Then listen closer to what your heart is saying.
Turn the corner if it calls.
What do I do if I fail?
Never give up,
You are stronger than you know.
“Failer is not the opposite of success;
It’s part of success,”
-Arianna Huffington
What if I crash and burn?
Then like a phoenix,
You will rise!
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