Everything is Fine

I laid in bed, hoping Mother would rush in telling me we were leaving and never coming back. 
That we were going home and leaving this house that wasnt my own. 
That in just a few short hours i would be back in my bed.
And everything would be fine.
Instead Mother came in with New Father.
"Honey, are you ready for bed?" My mother said staring at me, with our eyes meeting. She had tears in her eyes. Her dress was sitting on her knees, and she was missing an earing in one ear. 
Three things are wrong with that. One, my Mother Never looks me in the eyes, Something to do with it making people unconfortable. Two, She likes everything to be the same and shes missing an earing. My Mother would never allow that too happen too her. Three, In my Whole 15 years of existance, while living with my mom; she has never once called me 'Honey'.

I sit up from bed and looked my mom up and down. She also had a scratch on her knee. 
Part of having such a tight relationship with your only parent is you tell each other everything. 
Including when you accidentally harm yourself, such as scraping your knee.

As im sitting up i notice the Portiat next too my bad. 
Its of a girl, about my age. With a Smile that isnt normal. Her eyes are beautiful though. A dark blue-green. wow. 
Shes faced away from me. At the far wall. With her eyes looking too the celing. 
I look back at mom.

"Mom, are you okay? your acting strangly," I ask her.
She just looks at me. 
No words
Just her eyes meeting mine.
I can feel my heart beating.
It feels like its about to explode.
Im scared.
And with that, a tear rolls down her cheek.

"OH deary, shes just peachy! Right Love?" New father Grabbs her hand and Smiles a freakishly big smile. 
Mother Jumps and looks right back at him, while putting her hand over his.

"OH yes. Everything is fine." Mother smiles. She looks back at me, and reaches for my hand, "Now you Minnow, must sleep." 
She brushes my hair out of my face and holds my cheek. 
My heart beat slows.
This is my normal mom. 

Mother and New dad walk to the door exiting my new room.
New Fatther stands in the doorway, as mother clicks the light off. 

"I love you Minnow." Mother says, with a smile.

I watch her walk out of sight, with New father standing in the doorway still. He smiles, Than follows her. 

And with that.
Im alone in a room with only a night light  and the portrait next to my bed as company. 

I Turn over and snuggle my head into the pillow, pulling the blanket up to my shoulders. I close my eyes.
'Everything if fine.'
'Everything is fine'
'Everything is fine.'

I open my eyes. Too look at the girls eyes one more time before i sleep. 
Her Eyes are now on me.
Pulling me in.





16 years old

More by Mrs_Mango3340