Everything nothing

First there was nothing.
Then light showed us everything.
Or did it?
They say
Light was created by nothing
A great unimaginable empty silence.
But I say no.
Nothing can not create anything.
For nothing is not anything
And the black void that we picture nothing to be is something
And something must be created by something,
Not nothing.
No one created the light
Because to create you must exist
And existence is different from nothing.
If you were the only person in a black world
With no light,
Than you would be everything in that little dark space.

My theory is that nothing is an illusion
A myth we tell ourselves because it is easier that way.
"Nothing we could have done" they say
But there is always something
Creating everything
 And abolishing the nothingness.
I believe that light was created by something
And nothingness has never happened.
The world sat in darkness waiting for something to create the light
So it could be discovered.

If there is a place that is nothing
Then that nothing is everything 
And supposedly something.



19 years old

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