
my face is a cage

and the doves inside are suffocating

in a pile of their own shit


my arms are broken wings

and their featherless forms are useless

useless useless useless


my legs are stones that hold me down

and they are the one thing keeping me

from drifting off into space


i am the water that the frogs drink when they are thirsty

i am the so-called evil in the vaccines

i am the liberal woke mind virus


when will the time come for me to be human



18 years old

More by ender

  • house

    in the mud,

    in the dirt,

    in the silt,

    in the pores of the earth,

    with the worms,

    the moles,

    the bugs,

  • life, probably

    what is the meaning of it all, anywho?

    is it part of some grand scheme, some astral plot

    to make us whole again

    some day far from now?

    perhaps, on the contrary, there is nothing;

    are we born simply to exist?

  • diaspora

    there is a crack in the eye of man

    like glass, the light in the fracture

    is split like the millions who came before it

    never to reform