
I am afraid,
Afraid to admit my feelings for you.
Afraid to admit it to you.
To myself,
To my family,
To the world.
Because that would mean,
my most vulnerable secret,
would be out in the world for people to see.
To judge,
To use me as an example for their children,
To say horrible things to me.
About me.
About my people.
My people who are still fighting to be seen as equals.
And while the ones in my life who matter most know,
The prospect of having everyone know is horrifying.
I live in fear of what people will say.
And I hate it.
I don't want to live in fear anymore.
But I can't help but be afraid.
When my people are still being killed

Gabby Chisamore


YWP Alumni

More by Gabby Chisamore

  • Love Loved

    It's been almost a year now,
    Since I left you.
    And it's been one of the best years of my life. 
    I am a completely different person from who I was then.
    And I like it this way. 
    I'm sitting in my power now, 
  • Stake Your Claim

    'Open your heart to me'
    The words on the oracle card stare back at me
    as I sit in deafening silence. 

    "My heart is open to you"
    I whisper back to the card.

    Because it's true,
    my heart is open to you.
  • Unapologetically Queer

    Just as I thought I had everything about my sexuality figured out,
    you waltzed right in and turned everything upside down. 
    I thought I had finally found my label,
    finally figured out that I only liked women.