
The whirls of motion
rising through the air
panic following.

Screams swallowed 
by the billowing wind
that echos against cliffs.

Wild and scarred faces
all around me
searching for new life.​

Rain spatters against 
the creaky wooden deck, slipping up 
sleepy, panic-eyed passengers.

Fevers of hope
crawl through the minds 
of weary weather-beaten sailors.

Ships to be abandoned
for the precious metal
that made up their lives.

The only gold to be seen though
took up every inch of space in their
desperate minds.



17 years old

More by Zorro

  • thoughts

    Winter is coming.

    Silently with chapped lips and 

    breath in the cool air.

    But, I think I'll finish this 

    half-baked thought later 

    when winter has come and gone.

  • Ghost

    Once a sweet violet syrup of passion,
    now the bitter acid of indifference.

    Once a giddiness like rays of sun on your lips in the spring,
    now a cold careless ghost of the past.

    I indulged in the newness,
  • Floating

    My head is in the sky with those puffy white clouds of giddiness and
    A foggy understanding of what is to come is all that inhabits my brain.
    My skin is warmed by hot star energy and the smile pulling at the corners of my lips