The Flames

"The Flames"

5 Years ago. 
20 Years ago. 
100 Years, 
200, 300, 
Centuries ago you made us a promise that you 
couldn't keep 
You promised us something more than survival
You promised us a chance to rise up, to be something, 
be somebody
yet always, ALWAYS, you fail us.
You your spears, your bayonets and cannons, 
Your guns and tanks, adn most of all, 
You send your people
to be slaughtered by their brothers and sisters. 
Over nothing. 
Because what si it you want?
The Land?
The Land will get it's revenge. 
The Aminals? The Recources?
You may slaughter and plunder, but the land will get it's revenge for it's dead.
The People?
While, yes granted you may control the  physical being, human minds are 
another matter, they are free, unchained by law. 
Oh. I think I see.
You want the machines, even if you yourself do not know it. 
You want to extinguish the fire. 
With fire.
And so in this way, the flames climb higher and higher, engulfing everything in its' path.
So I wil sit at my desk, and LAUGH at your ignorance as our Earth burns, 
Or I will stand up and SHOUT into the flames. 

By S 
Grade 7 
Crossroads Academy
Lyme, NH 


Mr. Glazer's Class


YWP Instructor

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