The Future Of Energy

I enjoy thinking of the future as a timeline rather than an unexpected jumpcut to a sci-fi-derived reality, which unfortunately is often the portrayed version of future human life in Hollywood. Everything in that realm of near dystopia was never appealing to me, even when designed to seem interesting. Though this future is unlikely, it makes my stomach churn to think of it.
A near inverse future that I can certainly get with, however, is a sustainable and carbon-neutral planet. This plan encourages continued growth in our ecosystems, fresh air, and efficient energy solutions that are accessible. These options bring hope to the rising threat of global climate change that puts the burden on energy companies to start innovating before it becomes too late.

We already see this with the increased spending on renewables, and carbon tax being implemented at the state level. It certainly won't be an easy or quick transition, rather a slow timeline with critical moves along the way that will pave the path to making this a reality. Ultimately, I believe we all emit the biggest bias on whether we can make things happen. 

Many politicians have become pessimistic at the thought of renewable or carbon-neutral energy sources and try to counter them for political gain, which is a large part of why society has not adopted fully or made significant progress towards it. I would agree with the fact that, yes, many issues can arise with these sources of power but I think there are improvements to be made with funding and motivation. Think about the first computer, it was the size of an entire room and was not scalable at all. Compare this to recent years, you won't find someone *not* carrying a smartphone that likely has a million times the power of that model. The point is that things scale and evolve with time. The people criticizing solar could be a part of the oil industry, in which their motive is to perpetuate these views onto millions of Americans who don't know any better. We just don't know, that's why I like to look at similar innovations throughout history and the details behind projects like solar before criticizing it blatantly. 

To me, an effective timeline looks like the following:
- Voting yes on green energy spending
- Putting pressure on Carbon-Intensive corporations
- Encourage research & development of renewable
- Distribution at scale & affordability measures
- Coal and Oil rendered inefficient & society becomes less dependent upon them

After all, these professions are in the publics best interest. The quicker we go carbon neutral, the sooner we will be able to assure a safe and economically sustainable future. So since we command this transition, let's push for a sustainable future!


-- Response to:
What do you envision the future will be like? Narrow in on a specific object and describe how it will evolve over time (e.g. a phone).



16 years old

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