
“Hope is a thing with feathers” is there a better quote to get us thinking about hope? But what is hope? People say many things about it. People take it for granted. Why? Because people look at hope as something you feel but not really touch. And that is partly true. But I think it’s also a thing. I think it is more than just feathers and more than just wanting, striving, hoping for something more. It is more than a feeling. More than some cheesy emotion (even if that cheese is a sharp cheddar). To me it is something to believe in and get help from. You can’t always feel its presence but know it’s always there. There is always hope. And you will always know when it is strong and when you might have to lean on it. Hope is what keeps us going. It gets us up in the morning because we hope and expect something from the day ahead. It gets us down at night so we can dream about hope for the next day. Hope drives us. Hope guides us. Hope gives. Hope takes away. Hope shows us who we are and who we are meant to be. And you better believe that. Yes, you better believe that. You better believe that this isn’t just a bunch of analogies hastily jotted down from memory for a better school grade. Or else what will happen? What will happen when you don’t believe in hope? Will all those soft feathers turn into hard, sharp nails or something worse? Maybe. Will hope become an enemy not to be trusted and definitely not to be believed in? Maybe. But if you are there can you get out? Yes. Not only yes but you have to. You have to trust hope again because hope always trusts you. All you have to do is trust and hope to show the way and you and hope will be friends once more. All you have to do is believe in hope and work, work, and work some more. Work, so others can hope too. Not as a cheesy emotion but as something to believe in. Work not just today but tomorrow and every day after that. So what is hope? It can be anything you want. It can have feathers, it can have wings, whatever you want. Don’t get torn apart by it. Get put together. Yes there is always hope and it is never lost. N-E-V-E-R NEVER. So always HAVE HOPE.

Sam Kraemer 313


16 years old

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