If I Was to Travel Back in Time

I’d see a few things: 

The sweet girl my father claims I used to be. 
The daughter who adored her dad, 
making guitar sounds as a way of insisting 
he play his favorite musician 
in the downstairs tv room. 

The supposed nonchalance towards the oohs and aahs from strangers. 
Simply looking at them.
I was unimpressed by their fawning.

The school meeting 
where the teacher said, 
“This girl is going places.” 

I wonder if the cloud those words created 
would be visible, so many years ago. 
Little me, burdened with glorious purpose 
and the weight of the world's expectations. 



16 years old

More by Geri

  • Dawn to Dusk

    Light is lobbed to the leaves and they cradle it 

    In the evening they throw it back to the sun 

    whose tendrils collect it 

    then go home 

  • Peace

    I think peace looks like:  

    driving on the highway from College Park  

    listening to “White Ferrari” 

    by Frank Ocean