Hey, I’m SUPER late to this but I did this workshop my seventh grade year and had a lot of fun. Right now I’m a sophomore and I thought I’d give it another go since I have some free time. I’m looking forward to trying to whip up a play in two or so weeks!
More by Della
Plot rough outline
The play opens with Ava in her bedroom and her mother in the kitchen (The “bedroom” and “kitchen” are just opposite sides of the stage, but based on the fact the characters act like they can’t see each other, the audience understands they are in two -
Secondary characters
Ava’s mom: an easygoing woman, she just wants what’s best for Ava. She worries about her daughter being so uptight, but she also knows Ava has to figure things out on her own. She loves to bake and garden. -
My play really has one main character, Ava. Ava is a high school sophomore, and she’s very disciplined and structured.
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