it's all for you

An alternate universe where everything is fine--
    It’s 9am, and I’m at Los Angeles International Airport-- a chaotic sprawl of people, thousands upon thousands of people, each with a different story, a different secret in their heart. A never-ending wave of people coming and going, each traveling to a different place, connected to a different line. Yet my heart is solely focused on one.

    I shift my feet, half leaning against the metal railing which separates the people flying in from the people expecting them. I am there alone, as this has to be a secret-- driving two hours while my parents aren’t home to find someone who my parents don’t know. I don’t know why I had to keep this secret. All those hours spent texting and calling and laughing and crying-- wouldn’t it be easier to just confess? But then, bad things could happen. God knows what.

    They and I needed a runaway plan-- a plan that wouldn’t involve death or destruction, wouldn’t involve taking their life or having their life taken from them. A plan that, ideally, had music in it, had freedom. I had my own fantasies and so did they-- probably. I’ve learned too late in life that not everyone cares about me the way I care about them.

And then I see them-- a friend, more than a friend, someone who had probably been the highlight of my life for the past couple years or so. A dozen playlists, thousands of texts, way too many calls, and seeing them in person for the first time. I don’t know what I feel at that time. I am laughing, I am crying, I am finally healing the aching pain in my heart to be with them.If I travel the world, go on a journey, this is what is waiting for me at the end. Just to be with you, to hold you and never let go.    



18 years old

More by emmmm123

  • sunset

    I just want to be with you

    And watch the sunset--

    I want to see the sky go up in flames

    With you by my side.

    Watching the world burn ablaze

    In shades of crimson and gold 

    And slowly disappear